Herculean Hellebores
Will winter never end? That is the question Midwesterners are asking themselves on a snowy mid-April day.
Singing the Blues
They're called minor bulbs, the tiny flowers we scatter about in an effort to save our sanity after a long winter.

The Sensuality of Seasonality
These little beauties first poked leaves up in January. However, we had a couple of 50 degree days, so the snow is gone and the snowdrops are BLOOMING!
Kamikaze Tree Planting
I should have known. If you drop your business card into a raffle bowl of one of your vendors at a trade show, one that you bought more product from this year by a good chunk, odds are you are going to win something.
Summer Means Sunny Flowers
My raingarden has been overtaken by Rudbeckia. I have a hard time objecting.

Experiments in Propagation, aka Operation Save a Rose
Roses - I love them, but they have to be tough buggers to survive in my yard.
Emerging Garden: What's Coming Up Now?
So my snowdrops have been blooming since January and the bulb iris is already done. However, now is the time when plants are beginning to emerge from the soil as temperatures warm and days lengthen.

Snowdrop Season
My snowdrops (Galanthus nivalis) have been up since January. And climate change is a myth? I think not.

The Path Taken: Tracking Signs in Snow
December descended and brought with it frigid temperatures and a thick blanket of snow.