Texture:The Autumn Prairie
The first flakes of snow blew through this morning. It's been a couple of days of high winds heralding the end of autumn and the arrival of winter.
Fallen Stars of Autumn
Autumn stars have fallen to earth - as asters! October brings us a treasure trove of brilliant daisy-like flowers in a rainbow of colors.
Benefits of Thunderstorms
One of the benefits of living in the Midwest and having a rural commute is I get to experience a lot of big sky. Huge sweeping panoramas of clouds, sunrises, sunsets, and thunderstorms.
Now Is the Season For Insects
This year August has brought back the big butterflies. I've got monarch eggs on the milkweed finally and I've tallied more than 35 so far this year.
Pretties from the Prairie
As you may have noticed, activity on this blog has been spotty at best. Why? I've been working hard on trying to wrap up my first novel.
Going Native or How Rain Gardens Change Your Life
First, an apology. One of the consequences of being in horticulture is the tendency for spring to be all-consuming. So, I'm sorry that this little blog has been an unwitting victim of the annual onslaught.
Signs of Spring
We all know how rough a winter it's been in Chicago. I still have piles of icy snow stubbornly refusing to melt along the driveway.
Saving My Sanity with the Help of Flowers
Life's been pretty busy, so unfortunately, I haven't been able to chronicle the slow upward spiral of late winter into spring.
Now This is Winter!
I'm sure everyone has noticed that Chicago has survived the deep freeze of the Polar Vortex and now is a festival of slush and ice as we get a little thaw.
Pondering Connections on a Cold Winter's Night
We had our first real snowfall last night, so winter is officially here. It's hovering in the teens, so curling up with a cat is particularly appealing.