The Last Roses of Autumn
We're closing in on mid-October and the last rose blossoms are fading. The heavy morning dew is gilding their elegant buds in a wash of silver, a last breath to preserve their loveliness.
O, Beautiful Tomato!
Ah, the harvest of my labors. This is not the entire harvest. We've eaten some and given some away, but this represents the bulk of my luscious tomatoes.
Farewell Little Lustron House
We live on a pretty historical block. There are two Sears catalog homes, the original 1890s farm house and a Lustron house.
A Redbud for Remembrance
This past Sunday my grandmother died. She was 97 and had lived a long, full life.
Someone Stop Me, Please
Frequently, us folks in horticulture tend to be plant collectors. Some can even be plant hoarders.
After the Flood: Stormwater Management in Action
Last year, our village finished building a stormwater basin a block away. They tore down four houses and dug out a huge area, planting it with native plants.
Waiting on Spring
Winter feels heavy and I feel like I'm sinking. I know spring is around the corner.
Winter is for Planting Trees
I think long and hard about what trees I plant in my yard. I don't have nearly enough space for everything I want to grow.
Renegade Rosemary
I did it again. I snagged one of the rosemary plants from the pitch pile at work in sheer stubborness.
One Resolution for a New Year
Yes, it's that time again...resolution time! Normally, I'm not one to make outlandish, impossible promises to myself.