Warm Winter Wishes


We’re flirting with 50s and looking at 60s and I’m longing for snow. I adore winter is all it’s snowy, icy glory. Climate change weather just keeps getting weirder.

This year, thanks to a dear friend and dear husband I snatched some time from a busy schedule and made my own porch pots for the first time! Usually, when I worked in retail garden centers, I’d’ve made a few hundred and been totally burnt out by this point. Last year, back surgery prevented me from bending, much less lifting. Now, working from home means evergreen arrangements!

On a spur of the moment after being offered lovely drapey greens, I dug two large plastic bowls out of the garage. After filling them from the giant compost pile out back, I spent a very lovely hour making two huge arrangements for our new front porch. I have ideas for next year, but I’m pretty pleased with how these turned out.

It was an incredible gift to be able to spend a quiet hour being creative and artistic with plant material. I love to play with textures (if you’ve seen the jewelry I make, collage also plays a role) and the various colors of evergreens, branches, berries, and twigs.

How do you indulge your planty creativity?


Late Winter Gifts


Rewilding Chicago