Warm Winter Wishes
Heather Prince Heather Prince

Warm Winter Wishes


We’re flirting with 50s and looking at 60s and I’m longing for snow. I adore winter is all it’s snowy, icy glory. Climate change weather just keeps getting weirder.

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Waiting on Winter
Heather Prince Heather Prince

Waiting on Winter

As we approach mid-December, I am waiting for winter to arrive. It’s been a tempestuous few weeks of health challenges and minor surgery. November has scuttled past in its usual shades of grey and brown as dormancy settles comfortably across the garden beds.

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Now This is Winter!
Heather Heather

Now This is Winter!

I'm sure everyone has noticed that Chicago has survived the deep freeze of the Polar Vortex and now is a festival of slush and ice as we get a little thaw.

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