Coming Up Crocus
Crocus ‘Blue Pearl’
Spring is coming to call early this year. I’m not ruling out snow in April, though. As trees begin to slowly hum in the bright March sunshine, small bulbs are waking up and stretching.
Crocus ‘Cream Beauty’
I have small smatterings of snow crocus that have naturalized a bit through the years. ‘Blue Pearl’ and ‘Cream Beauty’ are two of my favorites and are inevitably the earliest. These little darlings are only an inch to two inches tall. Yet, they are cheerily dotting the front yard, earnestly hoping some brave bee will stop by. I hope someone besides me and the neighborhood dogs out on walks notice they are there.
I did surprise a millipede and a couple of ants when I checked under one of the logs. Aha! The soil really is warming up! I like to leave a couple of logs to gently decompose and bring interesting bugs. We also leave stumps for just that reason. What’s crawling around in your yard today?