Suddenly Snowdrops!

See those charming little green tips poking out from under the leaves? Snowdrops! One day in the 50s and pop! They appear. I'm leaving them be in their cozy nest of katsura and Allegheny viburnum leaves. The dollop of rabbit scat will give them some extra nutrients.

I don't think they will do much besides poke their noses out of the leaves until March when we get a solid stretch of highs in the 50s. Maybe. All bets are off with climate change. Last year it snowed in April.

Snowdrops are one of my favorite flowers. I admire their ability to be supremely elegant in flower while remaining tough as nails. I cherish their fleeting ephemeral grace that reminds me that beauty is everywhere if we take the time to look for it. I'll be checking on these lovelies every day until they flower and fade. It gives me an excuse to trot out to the back end of the yard and see the homestead from a different perspective. Plus, katsura leaves become fragrant when they turn and fall, so it's with a zing of spiced sugar that I crouch down and check on these markers of spring.


Seasons of Schizachyrium


Fortress Landscaping aka You Can't See Me