After the Affair: Storm Damage
When tornadoes blow through my town, many many trees come down.
A Lilac Like No Other
June is the season of tree lilacs. Japanese lilac (Syringa reticulata) and Pekin lilac (Syringa pekinensis) are perfuming the air and delighting the eye with their large fluffy creamy white flowers.
The Iris Obsession
I will confess, my favorite flower is iris. I'm not the type of iris collector that has plants in neat rows or clumps and labeled, but I will admit to being a collector.
Into the Woods with Wild Hyacinth
Walks in the woods are one of my most favorite things. You just never know what you find.
Scentimental Plants
I think we all have that one plant that brings back memories or celebrates the past. I'm slowly making my yard a small forest in testament to many years of hiking through the woods and the Morton Arboretum.
This had been an outstanding year for magnolias. We have managed to elude a late frost so the star magnolias (Magnolia stellata) have held much longer than normal.
Daffodil Traditions
Some day it will stop raining. Today is not the day. So, to perk myself up, I've got daffodils.
Houseplants I Have Not Yet Killed
It's time for an update on my houseplant purchases from Hausermann's!
Chives: The Herb of Spring
In our house, we know it's spring when we can harvest the first chives. Perhaps it is my Norwegian heritage that likes to put chives and fish together.
Crocus: Pearls of Spring
Each day I walk the property, carefully noting signs of spring. Sometimes the changes are tiny and sometimes flowers appear out of nowhere.