Landscaping in Winter
As you might have noticed, plant people can have a much different attitude about weather than regular folk, especially winter weather.
Cold, Colder, Coldest - Bring On the Negative Temps!
It's January! I'm waiting for it to get really cold, like negative numbers cold. Yes, I love winter and I'm one of the crazy people that actually enjoys shoveling snow.
Gardener's Resolutions for a New Year
I think I begin each new year with hope, especially in the garden. I hope that the snow will protect the tender roots and bulbs sleeping in the soil.
An Avenue of Green: Parkway Trees
One of the things that sold us on our house (other than it being a Sears catalog kit home with little niches, pointed arches, and general cuteness) was the neighborhood full of trees.
Places to Go When You Don't Know - Resources for Gardeners
I am attempting to learn everything about plants, but it's going to take some, well, years. In the meantime, I've rounded up some links of places I like to go for information and ideas or to be very plant geeky.
Snow, A Gardener's Friend
Although we don't have two feet like out East, we did get a few inches of snow in the past couple of days. I'd love to have more, though.
Twisted Twigs
Winter is definitely here in Chicagoland. It's already been in the single digits and a light snow is on the ground.
Native Treasures: Common Milkweed
We live in the Prairie State, yet only a small percentage of the original 22 million acres of tallgrass prairie still exist.
O! Tannenbaum!
'Tis the season of bringing a piece of nature indoors, be it a real or fake Christmas tree.
Light in Winter
As the sun is lowering in the sky and days are shorter, I find the light turns almost silvery in winter.