Snowdrops for a New Year
2023 slid in quietly. The week has been mild, cloudy, and damp. A great deal of tea has been brewed and enjoyed. It feels more like spring than the middle of winter. So, snowdrops have popped up to say hello!
Late Winter Gifts
I know a lot of folks coax flowers into bloom for the holiday season. Our traditional poinsettias grace every table, window, and mantel. However, I find I need flowers in the latter half of winter more.
February Is For Amaryllis
In our house, we need all the blowsy tropical glory of amaryllis we can get in February. December has it’s own charms. January should be cold and snowy. But by February, we are starting to fray around our winter edges.
Heavenly Hellebores
As we knock on the door of April and true spring, the hellebores have arrived! Are they native? Nope. But anything that blooms cheerfully under snow, tolerates dry shade, and isn’t consumed by rabbits, is a winner in my garden.