I Will Never Not Stop for Snow
Heather Prince Heather Prince

I Will Never Not Stop for Snow

Snow has finally arrived! Winter has crept in on soft white kitten feet. Have you stopped for snow yet? I cannot help but take a moment each time it snows to watch it. From the hard pebble ice to the fluffiest of flakes, I cannot stop my hand from reaching out and studying it as each piece of white melts into a water drop.

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Waiting on Winter
Heather Prince Heather Prince

Waiting on Winter

As we approach mid-December, I am waiting for winter to arrive. It’s been a tempestuous few weeks of health challenges and minor surgery. November has scuttled past in its usual shades of grey and brown as dormancy settles comfortably across the garden beds.

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A Forgiveness of Snow
Heather Heather

A Forgiveness of Snow

January seems to have finally arrived with a nice bit of snow and a wintry mix of ice, sleet, rain, and whatever else Mother Nature contrives to throw at us. I love the snow.

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Snow Day
Heather Heather

Snow Day

Ah, at last! We've got eight inches of powder on the ground after yesterday's snowy day.

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