Seeking the Ephemeral Beauty of Native Plants
Heather Prince Heather Prince

Seeking the Ephemeral Beauty of Native Plants

There’s a low hum to the earth. It’s not just the boxwood buzzing with flies, wasps, and other tiny pollinators or the first bumblebee stumbling through the daffodils. Spring has arrived.

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Seasons of Schizachyrium
Heather Heather

Seasons of Schizachyrium

Schizachyrium scoparium or little bluestem is my favorite grass. This tough prairie native thrives in full sun and puts up with part shade.

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Pretties from the Prairie
Heather Heather

Pretties from the Prairie

As you may have noticed, activity on this blog has been spotty at best. Why? I've been working hard on trying to wrap up my first novel.

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