Sprouts for Beating Winter Blues

Hello, wee radishes!

Hello, wee radishes!

I can’t decide if January or February is the longest month. Then again, it might be August. Do you want to be grey and cold or hot and sweaty? Since I am in the midst of winter and days of diamond-hard sun are few, I seek out ways to brighten the clouds with wee green things. Like sprouts.

sprouts in mason jar.JPG

I have always been rather fond of sprouts for their crunchy texture and zip of flavor. However, I hadn’t tried growing them myself until this winter. It’s one of the ways I add excitement to my life while working from home in a pandemic. There is something deeply satisfying about sprouting seeds and knowing you caused a itty bitty plant to grow. Delicious itty bitty plants!

I am also attempting to up my salad game as there is only so much hunkering down with cheese and bread that I can (or should) do. We are fortunate in having a marvelous fruit and veg market a little over a mile away. Yet, I am charmed by the magic of sprouts. One mason jar, one mesh sprouting lid, rinse twice a day, and voila! Super quick lively veggie happiness.

I have work to do to set it up, but I am considering a small micro-green farm in the basement, assuming the cats don’t consider it their private nosh.

That is one way cool salad, my friends.

That is one way cool salad, my friends.


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