Hiking into the New Year

shelf fungus

This year I decided to start a new tradition of hiking on the first day. Stepping into the New Year with a fresh start, if you will. I took myself off to The Morton Arboretum for a nice ramble on a brisk, if damp, day.

I decided to visit some old tree friends on a path I hadn’t trod in a long time. I discovered some important clearing work had been going on, decided the sneaky American chestnut had finally expired, and noticed some favorite yellowwoods had been planted in the 1920s.

mossy log

Out alone in the woods is a good way to do some serious thinking. Between me, the trees, and the random bird or squirrel, there is space to be quiet and listen. A good ramble also lets you notice the small things and can bring fresh perspectives on old problems.

Along the way, since the beginning of the year was warmer than ‘normal’ I found glimpses of green. Moss and lichen and fungi are all ticking along quite nicely.

Even on a dampish day, grab your boots and jacket and head out. Take an hour to listen to your breath, explore some quiet, and notice the patterns of nature. It’s a good way to begin a new year.


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