It's Gardening Weather!

As you may have figured out from this blog, gardeners have a much different perspective on the weather. So it's January - what do gardeners in the know want weather-wise this time of year? Negative temperatures.  Why?  To kill stuff.  I was at Mid-Am, the horticultural trade show in Chicago, yesterday and sat in on a great refresher class by Dr. Frederic Miller of Joliet Junior College and The Morton Arboretum.  He reminded us that insect pests can be negatively impacted by opportune weather conditions.  What does that mean?  If we get periods of several days in the negative temps, it can kill off some of those nasties that trouble us during the growing season.  That's good news!  Less bugs eating my plants and fewer people spraying dubious products.  Break out the wooly socks and cuddle up with the pets!


Tough, But Lovely: Native Plants


Thoughts of Spring in a January Snow