
Lake Marmo

It's the end of November and winter is definitely coming.  Snow flurries are in the forecast. Highs in the 30s.  However, this is an image from October.  We had a lovely warm autumn with minimal rainfall.  Frustrating for the gardener, but nice for everyone else.  The lake was almost glass still on this day.

The blog has had a hiatus, but I hope to do better about posting from this point forward.  Call it a Thanksgiving resolution.  And though the gardener's year never really ends, I think as the vegetative world slows down and goes dormant, it's a good time to reflect on the triumphs and tragedies of the 2010 year in the garden.

  • Spring bulbs will travel. The snowdrops have reseeded themselves.

  • Nope, strawberries grown in a pot do not come back.

  • Cutting down the Dr. Seuss Spruce between the driveways was totally worth it, even if the crew did not come back for the brush like they promised.

  • Fennel, in a mild winter, does return. And reseeds. And gets six feet tall.

  • Peely bark trees are lovely in all seasons.

  • Lots of rain plus 80 degree temps in April and May means the trees grow at least three feet.

  • Mint is tasty, but not your friend.

  • Just because you think you know what you're doing, you add beds and completely rearrange stuff in early July. Mother Nature rewards you with little to no rain for the next two months. I think I killed a barberry. Sigh. The chamaecyparis doesn't look good either.

  • The municipal mulch pile is a girl's best friend.

  • You don't know who your friends are until you host a bridal shower tea in the garden. Thank you again to all the volunteer weeders!!

  • It was a magnificent year for butterflies, and I am developing a butterfly garden, although not really purpose.

  • The juncos were early and the sandhill cranes are still migrating. This does not bode well for winter.

Thanks to all the transplanting, new beds, and moving around, the place should look pretty gorgeous next year.  If I can find it among the weeds.


Snow Flurries?


Landscape Challenges: Puttering in Friends' Yards